Sysadmin  DnS (Children in Sysadmin Web)

Children of DnS in Sysadmin Web

Results from Sysadmin web retrieved at 13:06 (GMT)

Caching only dns server You can build a caching only dns server as a forwarder (proxy) or without zones except db.root (classical caching only). forwarder optio...
catalog zone Secure the zone transfer with a TSIG key ACL allow update { !{10/8;any;}; key update key; };
Usefull script to check your domain #!/bin/sh #cat /var/log/named/queries.* grep query grep v bfinv grep "\(.biz \ .ru \ .info \)" grep v \.de\ grep...
Wie man DNSSEC mit Domains bei united domains.de aktiviert Howto enable DNSSEC with Domains at united domains.de 1 Sie müssen die Domain auf einen eigenen DNS ...
Filter domain generation algorithm Domain generation algorithm (DGA) are used by various malware to periodically generate a large number of domain names that can ...
DNSSEC WORLINPROGRESS keys ... zone "bla portal.de" IN { type master; file "bla portal.de.db"; key directory "/etc/namedb/dnssec keys"; auto dnssec maintain; ...
Ubuntu bind is compiled with built with ' prefix=/usr' ' mandir=/usr/share/man' ' infodir=/usr/share/info' ' sysconfdir=/etc/bind' ' localstatedir=/var' ' enable ...
Internal root server WORK IN PROGRESS Funktioniert aber anscheinend so: * Slave ohne root Zone: erst eigene dedizierte Zonen, dann forward Zonen, dann Auflösun...
Logging with isc bind 9 example 1 ... logging{ channel queries_log{ file "/var/log/named/queries.log" versions 10 size 20m; severity debug 1; ...
How to query the bind version dig chaos txt version.bind @ TXT "9.4.1" Intro By default BIND DNS reveals the version number when queried ...
Number of topics: 10