Sysadmin  RcFiles (Children in Sysadmin Web)

Children of RcFiles in Sysadmin Web

Results from Sysadmin web retrieved at 06:51 (GMT)

kermit (serial) startup file start with kermit mystartupfile set modem type none set carrier watch off set line /dev/tty00 set speed 9600 connect Exit with ^\ C a...
.tcshrc Solaris setenv TERM xterm setenv PATH /usr/pkg/bin:/usr/pkg/sbin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/opt/solstudio12.2/bin:/usr/dt/bin:/usr/openwin/bin:/usr/c...
.vimrc There are lot of vimrc files in the web, here are two very small / minimal rc files. Sven Guckes set ai nocp digraph ek hid ru sc vb wmnu noeb noet no...
Number of topics: 3